Supertech’s logo is created by our name.
Established in 1991, Supertech proudly sells high-quality aluminum capacitors to customers across the globe. All our capacitors are manufactured at our family owned factory in Taiwan. Additionally, Supertech provides a range of components that meet customer OEM service requirements.

For more than 28 years, we have successfully provided our customers with excellent Taiwan-made electronic components, OEM aluminum capacitors for domestic and foreign factories, and obtained ODM parts assembly from foreign communication customers. In 2013, Supertech cooperated with UK-based DNM to develop and produce its patented wide-frequency capacitors for advanced audio amplifiers, medical instruments, and power supplies.

To distinguish our capacitors from the competition and deliver responsible products, we deformed Supertech into our logotype and print on the products, with the exception of those registered in Taiwan, also get EU registered in 2016. 

Supertech offers our customers top quality capacitors with superior service. Since 1998 we have been ISO certified and are now ISO 9001:2015.  

In order to offer the best service, we help our customers collect different components to save on time and cost in finding the best goods and highest-quality products.